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Then Enright scored off the ensuing faceoff by converting a rebound after Pietersen stopped an initial shot from Ava Lindsay.Īubin converted Canada's first power-play opportunity 5:35 into the game. The Americans finally gained life when McCarthy floated a shot in from the blue line for a power-play goal with 1:37 left in the second period. Amos backhanded in a rebound after Bergmann stopped Karel Prefontaine's shot. The Americans went 3-0 in the preliminary round, outscoring their opponents by a combined margin of 18-1, before advancing to the gold-medal game with a 3-2 win over Sweden on Sunday.Ĭanada went ahead 3-0 at the 12:34 mark of the second period, when Murphy and Amos scored 58 apart. The tournament this year was delayed and moved from Sweden to the University of Wisconsin. Last year's tournament was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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beat Canada 2-1 in overtime two years ago in Slovakia to win the title.

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